We are on our (digital) way

to help you succeed in Sustainable Infrastucture Development

NEW Online simulation!

Our Competitive Dialogue simulation is now available as an online course!
There are 6-8 seats for every simulation available.

Claim your seat for: € 550,- € 550,- (per person, VAT not included)

Competitive Dialogue in one day!

We provide a simulation for teams in which a competitive dialogue is completed in one day.

“We are dedicated to ensure efficient and effective structuring, procurement and implementation of sustainable partnerships.”


We provide guidance to governments to set out a process that must be followed to develop and implement every PPP project. Standardizing the PPP process helps ensure that all PPPs are developed in a way that is consistent with the government's objectives. It also helps achieve coordination between the various entities involved.
We work at each stage of developing and implementing a PPP project, from identifying PPP candidates to managing contracts through the project life cycle.


We provide guidance to governments to determine the procurement strategy which describes how the private sector partner will be selected, and it focuses on developing an approach to procurement that helps obtain the best Value for Money.


We provide guidance to governments to select the private party that will implement the PPP. This process will also determine the effective terms of the contract. This stage follows the structuring, appraisal, and detailed preparation of the PPP. It concludes when the PPP reaches financial close, when the government has selected and signed a contract with a private party, and the private party has secured the necessary financing and can start deploying it in the project.

Our Stats

Courses given
Participants trained
Next Course in
483 days

Our dialogue simulation discussed in a podcast of the Dutch Flood Protection Programme! (podcast in dutch) Grab a brew and have a listen ☕ soundcloud.com/dijkwerkers-we… hoogwaterbeschermingsprogramma.nl

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